Terms of service

1. General.

1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) applies to the website of ethosassetfinance.org community on ethosassetfinance.org

1.2. This Agreement regulates relations between the Administration of ethosassetfinance.org community (hereinafter referred to as the Website Administration) and the user of this website (hereinafter referred to as the Member).

1.3. Website Administration reserves the right to alter, add or delete paragraphs hereof at any time without notice.

1.4. If the Member proceeds to use the website, it is deemed to be their acceptance of this Agreement and alterations introduced herein.

2. Subject of Agreement.

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is provision of access to the content of ethosassetfinance.org website to the Member.

2.1.1. ethosassetfinance.org provides the following services to the Member:

  • Free access to the content;
  • Possibility to have a personal account on ethosassetfinance.org website;

2.1.2. This Agreement covers all currently existing (genuinely functioning) services of ethosassetfinance.org as well as any further modifications of them and any additional services of ethosassetfinance.org that may be launched in future.

2.2. This Agreement is a public offer. By getting access to the website the Member is deemed to accept this Agreement.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties.

3.1. Website Administration is entitled to:

3.1.1. Alter terms of use and the content of the website. All alterations become effective on the date of publication of the latest revision hereof on the website.

3.1.2. Restrict access to the website, in case the Member fails to comply with the terms its use.

3.1.3. Pay money to community members with no need to provide a report on expenditure of money.

3.1.4. Invite Members to take part in different special offers, charity events and promotions.

3.2. The Member is entitled to:

3.2.1. Get access to the website after registration.

3.2.2. Use all the services offered by the website.

3.2.3. Send any questions relating to ethosassetfinance.org services to contact data specified in Contact Us section.

3.3. The Member shall:

3.3.1. Provide additional information that is directly relevant to the services provided by the website at the Website Administration’s request.

3.3.2. Take no actions that may interfere with the website’s normal operation.

3.4. The Member is not allowed to:

3.4.1. Use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and techniques, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes to get access, acquire, copy or monitor the content of ethosassetfinance.org .

3.4.2. Interfere with the proper operation of ethosassetfinance.org.

3.4.3. In any way evade the website’s navigational structure to get or try to get any information, documents or materials by any means not provided for by this website’s services;

3.4.4. Break the system of security and authentication of ethosassetfinance.org website.

4. Use of ethosassetfinance.org website

4.1. The website and its content is the property of Website Administration that also controls it.

4.2. The content of the website cannot be copied, published, reproduced, transferred or distributed by any means or posted on the Internet without prior written consent of Website Administration.

4.3. All rights for the content of the website are reserved. The content of the website is protected by trademark legislation and other laws related to intellectual property as well as unfair competition laws.

4.4. The Member shall be personally liable for preservation of confidentiality of account information including the password and all activities done on their behalf and using their account.

4.5. The Member shall promptly notify Website Administration of unauthorized use of their account and password or any other violation of system security.

4.6. Website Administration is entitled to introduce alterations into the list of services offered on the website at any time without notice.

5. Liability.

5.1. Website Administration shall not be liable for any losses incurred by the Member as a result of an intended or negligent violation of any provision hereof as well as a result of an unauthorized access to the contacts of another Member.

5.2. Website Administration shall not be liable for delays or failures during transactions arising out of force majeure circumstances as well as failures within telecommunication, computer, power supply and other related systems.

5.3. Website Administration shall not be liable for actions of transfer systems, banks, payment systems and delays related to their operation.

5.4. Website Administration shall not be liable for proper website operation in case the Member has no hardware and software to use it. It shall not be liable for the provision of Members with such hardware and software.

6. Violation of conditions of this Agreement.

6.1. Website Administration is entitled to disclose information about any Member provided that such a disclosure is required for the purposes of an investigation or is related to a claim with respect to unlawful use of this website or for the purposes of establishment of the Member’s identity who may violate or interfere with the rights of Website Administration or other members of ethosassetfinance.org community.

6.2. Website Administration is entitled to suspend and/or block access to the website without notice in case the Member violates this Agreement or terms of website use contained in other documents as well as in case of suspension of website operation or due to an operating bug or problem.

6.3. Website Administration shall not be liable to any Members or third parties for the suspension of access to the website in case the Member violates any provision of this Agreement

7. Miscellaneous.

7.1. Website Administration shall not accept counter offers of the Member relating to any alterations hereof.